

Namespace: Nessos.Streams
Parent Module: ParStream

Internal entrypoints for compiled code.
Do not call these functions directly.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
iterCont iterf resf stream
Signature: iterf:(CancellationTokenSource -> 'T -> unit) -> resf:(unit -> 'R) -> stream:ParStream<'T> -> 'R
Type parameters: 'T, 'R

Public "internal" entrypoint to iterate an unordered parallel stream and collect a result. Do not call this function directly.

looksLike streamOrig stream
Signature: streamOrig:ParStream<'?14046> -> stream:ParStream<'T> -> ParStream<'T>
Type parameters: '?14046, 'T

Public "internal" entrypoint to make one stream look like another in terms of its parallel properties. Do not call this function directly.

mapCont f stream
Signature: f:(('R -> unit) -> 'T -> unit) -> stream:ParStream<'T> -> ParStream<'R>
Type parameters: 'R, 'T

Public permanent entrypoint used to map over a parallel stream. Do not call this function directly.

Signature: streamf:(Stream<'T> -> 'R) -> mkIterator:(unit -> 'T -> unit) -> collectResult:(unit -> 'R) -> stream:ParStream<'T> -> 'R
Type parameters: 'T, 'R

Public permanent entrypoint used to implement fold etc. via uncancellable parallel iteration. Do not call this function directly.

unorderedCont streamf resf stream
Signature: streamf:(Stream<'T> -> Stream<'U>) -> resf:(unit -> ParStream<'U>) -> stream:ParStream<'T> -> ParStream<'U>
Type parameters: 'T, 'U

Public "internal" entrypoint to ensure a stream can be processed in an unordered way. Do not call this function directly.

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